This might be accompanied by a scheme for circulation of deposit receipts, or ultimately by messy introduction of a new currency. 伴随而来的可能是一个存单流通机制,或者最终在混乱之中引入一种新货币。
Financial services include money deposit and withdrawal, foreign currency exchange, and coin change to be provided at the counters or self-service terminals. 通过人工服务和自助机具等方式,为参观者提供人民币存取、外币兑换、零钱兑换等金融服务。
And you deposit his US currency in Florida bank accounts. 把他的美元存入佛罗里达银行账户。
Upon the signing of this agreement, Party B shall pay to Party A the security deposit of. ( currency) being month, for the case of loss or damage to the provided furniture or facilities. 乙方须在起租日之前向甲方支付相当于个月的租金共计(币)整作为租赁保证金;
If you're hesitant to use those are having trouble using them to place the deposit, you can opt for bank draft in US$ currency. 如果你不愿使用那些有麻烦的地方使用他们的存款,你可以选择在银行汇票美元货币。
From the point of view of legal theory, do you think that banks should be allowed to refuse the deposit of coin currency? 从法律理论的角度出发,你是否认为应允许银行拒绝存储硬币?
The reason is that the deposit base is being continually inflated by China's accumulation of foreign currency, an inflow that suggests the more rapid appreciation of the currency this year has added to China's problem of excess liquidity rather than tightening it up. 个中原因在于,中国的外汇积累正推动存款基础持续扩大。资本流入表明,今年人民币升值加快,已加剧了中国的流动性过剩问题,而非使流动性收紧。
At the same time, near-zero bank deposit rates limit the choice for investors who may start to balk at chancing exposure to foreign currencies – currency exposure has been a popular choice for investors. 与此同时,接近于零的银行存款利率,又限制了那些可能不愿再冒险持有外币的投资者的投资选择&持有外币一直是香港投资者热门选择之一。
The most common are savings accounts, time or term deposit accounts, foreign currency accounts, cash management accounts, money market accounts and checking accounts. 最常见的是储蓄账户、定期存款账户、外汇账户、现金治理账户、货币市场账户和支票账户。
Savings/ time optional deposit in foreign currency are registered deposit without fixed amount, without definite maturity, whose interest rate varies in line with the length of maturity. 定活两便存款外币定活两便存款是一种不确定存期,利率随存期长短而变动的记名式不定额存款。
Over the full year the deposit base doubled and the market for bonds denominated in the offshore currency grew fourfold. 去年一年,香港离岸人民币存款的规模增长了一倍,以人民币计价的债券市场规模增长了四倍。
Ironically, as the former HKMA head calls for greater links with the mainland currency, the renminbi deposit base has fallen 12 per cent from its peak as savers fear the slowdown in China will weaken the currency. 具有讽刺意味的是,在任志刚呼吁与人民币建立更紧密的联系之际,由于储户担心中国经济放缓将削弱人民币,人民币存款基础已从峰值水平下滑了12%。
This account allows you to deposit US dollars you brought in from overseas or transferred into the foreign currency notes account. 您从境外携入或本来持有的美元现钞可存入外币现钞帐户。
The deposit shall be refundable in full amount in10 days after the contract expiration, in same currency and excluding interest thereupon. 押金在合同终止后10天内由甲方以相同币种全额退还给乙方(不计利息)。
Off-shore market, an important part of the international financial market, is a market for doing deposit and loan business of foreign currency. It plays a significant role in the international finance integration. 离岸市场是经营境外货币存、贷业务的市场,它在推进国际金融一体化的过程中发挥了巨大的作用,现已发展成为国际金融市场的重要组成部分。
The forms of virtual capital are diversified and dynamic. Bank deposit currency is the important form of virtual capital. 虚拟资本的表现形式是多样的、动态的,银行存款货币是虚拟资本的重要表现形式。
Deposit preparing money system plays an important part in adjusting credit structure, regulating currency supplies, ensuring storage mobility of finance institution. 存款准备金制度具有调整信贷结构、调控货币供应量、保证金融机构的储备流动性等重要作用。
The judgment of the illegal absorbing deposit of the public should be sided by illegal management of capital and currency. 非法吸收公众存款罪的认定应该从非法从事资本、货币经营的角度界定。
Since 2007, PBC frequently curbs liquidity surplus by using the legal deposit reserve ratio, benchmark rate, central bank bonds, currency swaps and other liquidity management tools. However, the results are not very obvious. 2007年以来,中国人民银行频繁使用法定存款准备金率、基准利率、央行票据、货币掉期等多种流动性管理工具来遏制流动性过剩,然而效果却不十分明显。
June 1998, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation released 《 e-banking-the safety and soundness examination procedures 》, the report on the conduct of electronic currency banks provided detailed standards and procedures. 1998年6月美国联邦储备存款保险公司发布《电子银行&安全和健全检查程序》的报告,这份报告对开展电子货币业务的银行规定了详细的检查标准和程序。
Given this result, we further analyze the factors that affect the policy, such as mechanism of the legal deposit reserve, base currency, reserve system, interest rate, and exchange rate and so on. 鉴于这个结果,本文进一步从法定准备金的作用机制、基础货币、准备金制度、利率、汇率等方面分析了影响准备金政策效果的原因。
By the end of 2006, the deposit was 16 trillion, while foreign currency deposit was 14 trillion. 截止2006年底,我国的居民储蓄存款达16万亿元,银行外币存款高达14万亿元。